Podcast interview for What Is Your Working Class?, July 2021.
Live Instagram Salon (recorded here) with Rosemary Stubbs for 10x10 Photobooks, on the facsimile of Jo Spence’s BA Dissertation, February 2021.
“Anti-Pygmalion: An Aesthetics of Working-Class Women’s Dissent”, poster presentation at Feminist Art Activism and Activisms conference at Middlesex University London. July 2018.
“Putting Myself in the Research: Auto-Ethnographic Approaches and Building Your Research Archive”, talk to PhD students at Middlesex University London. Nov 2016.
“The Fat Slags: Class, Corpulence and Subversive Sexualities”, talk given at The Feminist Summer School, London. June 2016.
“Locating an Absence: The Unmentionableness of Class in Critical Writings on Jo Spence”, at Work: Discipline and Discourse conference, Middlesex University London. March 2015.
“Anti-Pygmalion: Sublime Grotesques” at the PechaKucha Workshop Presentation, Middlesex University London. Dec 2014.
“Fat Flag: Making Space for The Rebel Self-Fashioning of Missy Elliot” at the Body + Space conference, Middlesex University London. Sept 2014.
“Disavowed Portrayals: Phototherapy, and the Classing and Gendering of Self-Presentation” at the Anti-Portraiture Conference, Birkbeck University, Bloomsbury London. June 2013.